Digital Suburban Graphics
Freelance Pre press and Graphics
11316 Jollyville Rd #152
Austin, TX 78759
Ph: 512-968-4355
This site is under continuous renovation some links may not work yet


Creating ads, brochures, catalogs and similar projects is more than creating a concept. Its trying to understand the end user and their needs or wants.

BUT more than that, how the final product will be produced or implemented. It is understanding that a low resolution RGB image wont work for some process', but that maybe exactly what you need to for others.

Its using the proper software and equipment to create the product and knowing how to use that software or equipment.

It is producing a quality project in a timely manner while still taking the time to assure the product is produced correctly.

Visit our various pages to view even more designs and features

Pre press

Once your ad is created and approved. It has to go to the next step. THE PRINTER.

Supplying "Print Ready" PDF's to the printer is once again more than just distilling a PDF file.

Quite a few of today's most popular RIP SYSTEMS (raster image processing) use a PDF work flow.But making sure the PDF is correct is an important part of this process.



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